Elder Law
Don Mills represents the Elderly throughout North Texas, including Denton, Collin, Wise, Dallas, Fort Worth, and others. He understands the need of the Elderly as well as the problems that the family members face. Elder Law needs to address two primary issues. First, we must address Elder Abuse, physical, financial, and otherwise. Then we must address the various state and federal “benefits” programs available to our Elders.

Elder Abuse
Stop Elder Abuse. Stop Elder Abuse. If you trusted a nursing home or assisted living facility to care for a family member or loved one, and now you suspect abuse, you are not alone. Sadly, abuse among our elderly is on the rise. Every year one out of four facilities is cited for causing injury or death to a resident.
Abuse can take many forms – ranging from neglect to physical assault. Some of our most vulnerable elders are the most susceptible to abuse, including those with dementia or disabilities. No matter what form it takes, nursing home abuse is illegal and needs to be stopped.
Incidents of abuse are rarely reported to the proper authorities. Residents may be reluctant to complain for fear of retaliation or embarrassment, and family and friends of the victim might be unaware of the common signs of abuse.
Know the Signs of Abuse.
If you notice that your loved one exhibits warning signs of abuse, take immediate action. Warning signs may include any of the following:
- Physical Injuries
- Neglect
- Emotional or Behavioral Changes
- Broken bones
- Bed sores and bruises
- Medication overdose
- Head injury
- Dehydration or malnourishment
- Poor hygiene
- Soiled bedding
- Agitation, withdrawal or fear
- Frequent crying
- Complaints of poor treatment
There is no doubt that we all owe huge debts to our Elders. We are all where we are today because of their sacrifices. The federal and state benefit programs are there to assist the Elderly in North Texas.

The subject of elder law is becoming one of increasing importance to people in North Texas and Denton County and throughout the United States. What happens when a person becomes incapacitated by illness, injury or dementia? Who has authority to make legal and financial decisions for an elderly person who can no longer speak for himself or herself? How can an elderly person make his or her wishes known regarding life support and end-of-life care? These are only a few of the
The subject of elder law is becoming one of increasing importance to people in North Texas. What happens when a person becomes incapacitated by illness, injury or dementia? Who has authority to make legal and financial decisions for an elderly person who can no longer speak for himself or herself? How can an elderly person make his or her wishes known regarding life support and end-of-life care? These are only a few of the questions that frequently come up in the field of elder law. I help our clients find answers to these and other questions, and I am ready to assist you with your case as soon as you contact me.
Other common elder law instruments are advance healthcare directives, also referred to as a designation of healthcare surrogate and a living will. The healthcare surrogate is given the authority to make healthcare decisions for you if you are unable to make those decisions for yourself due to incapacity or inability to convey your consent. The living will is a document used to clearly state your wishes concerning what types and what extent of life-sustaining treatment you would


Some elder law clients need help applying for benefits through the War Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Program. This program is provided for certain veterans, and their spouses, when they are no longer self-sufficient and require a caregiver on a daily basis. The amount of benefits available depends on whether the claimant is a veteran, the surviving spouse of a veteran, or a married couple, and can be increased in cases